Dana DeAngelis
Healing Sessions
Reiki Sessions
Dana is a medical intuitive and multi-dimensional energy healer specializing in remote energy work that opens space for healing to occur at every level of your being. She identifies and clears energetic interferences that are at the root of both physical and emotional symptoms with timeline cleansing, trauma clearing, color therapy and chakra balancing.Having overcome debilitating physical issues and illnesses herself, she is a compassionate healer who understands the frustrations of dealing with health challenges.
She is passionate about helping others do the same. She helps clients expand their energy field, bringing in access to high vibrational frequencies, and allowing more light and love into their lives.
She specializes in timeline cleansing (clearing history of emotional blocks and trauma throughout lifelines, and ancestral lifelines), Color therapy, Inner child healing, Trauma clearing, karma clearing, soul contracts.
45 and 60 minute healing sessions - to be used to work on whatever health or life issue you would like.
25 Minute distant Reiki session.
To book with Dana: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=12454428
Testimonials or Reviews
“After years of pain in my hip I’m feeling SO well after my session with Dana. It’s unbelievable! She is magical! My whole being is different. I feel reborn.”
“This was an amazing session! I was feeling down and devastated when we began, but I now feel at peace and that I can move forward. I feel more empowered and aligned. Thank you!”
“Dana is pure essence and her guides are spot on every single time. Dana is one of the best healers I have ever worked with. She is pure essence and her guides are spot on every single time. It’s a joy and pleasure to work with Dana! She works on all aspects and across all dimensions.”
“Immediate energy shifts in my body. Thank you for the truly wonderful healing session. It was one of the most powerful healings I’ve ever had. The effects were profound and immediate. The shift I experienced was profoundlydeep . A cosmic timing waiting to unfold on this day , with you . I’ve been feeling it strongly ever since . Afterwards, I felt an immediate energy shift in my body. I went outside to the garden to repair a fence . ( I have been working through disempowerment , with a neighbour for 3 years . I retained my sense of self empowerment , without the need to mentally defend myself or shrink my energy .That was huge . I made a flower mandala on the lawn, with thanks, for all that I had received. ) I love how you have brought together different energy tools, to create quick recognition for specific issues.”
“Wow, just wow! Dana is a sweet and wonderful healer. Her work is a must to get your energy and power back. Yay! Thank you Dana!”
-Ginette M
“Dana was able to identify, heal and release a deeply hidden and resistant inner child energy that had caused decades of discomfort and constriction in my body. After our session, my 3 year old opened up a “treasure box” and out came magical, beautiful brights stars and butterflies. She was mesmerized and the picture is etched in my mind. It was pretty cool:) Thank you for such a great session!”
“Thank you so much!! my ear is much less noisy, feels better! so appreciate your help and time and good energy!”
“Wow I feel I’m finally back in my body again. I haven’t felt that way in years!”
“I felt a huge load lift from my back, shoulders. All the sadness, anguish, frustration, low energy, why me, etc, was gone in a puff.”
- J.L.